Monday, October 15, 2007

Two Nights in Colma

OK, I just put in back-to-back 8-hour sessions of no-limit hold'em at Lucky Chances. Gross. Long story short, Saturday night was an uneventful session, and I ended up losing my initial $200 buyin. Not a huge deal, but it felt like a long waste of time.

Sunday night, things went well. I bought in for $100 and ended up with $600. Lots of crazy poker played at that table. Insane bluffs. Wild moves. And strange hands. But it was a blast.

At one point I had my stack up to $600, and as I was gettin' ready to pack up for the night, I flop top 2 pair. Anyway, I end up putting two opponents all in and it turns out one of them flopped a set of 3s. Bam, suddenly, my stack is back to $200. But with a couple of aggressive plays at huge pots against an insane tournament player, I was back up to $600 within 45 minutes or so. I decided I'd been on the rollercoaster long enough, and called it a night.

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