Saturday, June 30, 2007

Spanked in Colma - Lost $300

So today was not a great day. I blew $300 at Lucky Chances playing 1-1-2 spread limit hold 'em. Basically, it's almost like a no limit game. I played for 8 hours and just sucked the whole time. I'm a complete donkey when it comes to ring games. Found myself using tournament strategies in a cash game - like checking the river with a good hand to avoid the possibility of an opponent putting me all-in. That's a tournament survival tactic, not a cash game play, where the goal is to maximize the size of each pot won.

Anway, I learned some things. Chalkin' this up as another learning experience in my poker education.


"SPREAD LIMIT" - game where the betting amount is flexible, but capped at a maximum. In this case, the max bet was $200.

"DONKEY" (or "DONK" for short) - a bad poker player who practically gives chips away. "Donk" can also be used as a verb: "I donked off all my chips on a ridiculous bluff."

"RING GAME" or "CASH GAME" - a non-tournament game where blinds/antes are fixed, and players are allowed to rebuy chips between hands.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Welcome to Dan's Poker Log

I'm kinda sorta maybe considering a career as a professional poker player. Maybe semi-pro. I feel silly even writing this now, but I think if I keep studying and playing, I can make it happen. Starting small, of course. Mostly low buy-in tournaments in the $200-$300 range. I'll also pepper in a bigger event here and there.

Here's where I am: I started 2007 with a $225 tournament at Lucky Chances. Made the final table and came in 7th for a $1,280 payout. In early June I played a $1,500 WSOP event in Vegas, got lucky and cashed for $3,888 (the highlight of my young poker career). So far this year, I've played 13 tournaments for a total of $4,390 in buy-ins. I've cashed in 5 of the tourneys (3 final tables), for a total of $7,283 in wins.

As far as card room cash games go, not much to report. Six winning sessions, six losing sessions. I'm ahead $320 there.

Not counting friendly home and office games, I've played about 80 hours of poker, and I'm up $3,213 total for the year. My hourly poker rate's about $40. Not earth-shattering, but not bad either, considering my newbie status. I've got a long way to go, and a lot more to learn about this game. Let's see how it goes.