Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gold Rushed 2007

So I took a day off work just play the Gold Rush $300 buy in NL tourney at Lucky Chances. Winner's guaranteed at least $20,000.

Thought I had a pretty good start. After a few bad plays that cost me $500 of my initial $3,000 stack, I managed to double up with AA, making me chip leader at my table. Unfortunately, not long after that I put A9suited all-in with my KK and an Ace hits the flop. After the first break, I manage to work my stack back up to well above average ($7,000) with some blind steals and a coupla nice pots. But right after the 2nd break, I get busted out when the big stack at my table takes his 2-2 all-in against my 9-9 and flops a set.

Oh well, maybe next year.

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