Sunday, September 30, 2007

Turning the Ship Around?

So I stepped into the Casino San Pablo with $100, hoping to kill a coupla hours and maybe double up. Or at least not go bust and head to the ATM for seconds. Things worked out a bit better than expected, and I walked away with $400. It was one of those sessions where you turn 2 pair and river a full boat. And everytime you fill a boat, your opponent is jamming the pot with an ace-high flush. Maybe I should play $3-6 more often.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Goin' Broke at the Oaks

On Sunday, I played for the first time in nearly a month (?!?). Hit the Oaks Club in Emeryville for the $125 + $100 rebuy No Limit Holdem tourney. Got off to a rough start when I bluffed a few chips away. Ended up going broke and rebuying in the 3rd round, then managed to turn things around.

Within an hour I took my stack from $1,500 to about $7,000 with a few aggro bluffs, which put me at 2nd place at my table. I found myself playing way out of character, and bluffing a lot more than I usually do. This 3-week break really gave me fresh eyes for the game.

But then things went horribly wrong. Holding J-2 in the big blind against 2 opponents, one solid and one ultra-aggro, I flop two pair on a Jack-9-2 board and check in early position. The rock checks and Mr. Aggro bets out $600 as planned. I bump it to $1500 at which point Mr. Rock starts thinking. This actually makes me happy. I want one caller with this hand. And who better than Mr. Rock, who would have bet out already if he had a great hand on the flop. Amazingly, he decides to put his life at risk and moves all-in for his last $1,200. Mr. Aggro folds, and so we flip our cards over. I show my two pair and Mr. Rock turns over KQ unsuited! He's got no hand, and basically needs to hit a 10 to fill his inside straight. Mr. Rock is a maniac. The turn is a blank, but cruelly and predictably, a 10 of clubs arrives on the river, leaving me with just enough to cover the small blind and ante on the next hand.

On that hand, I get one of the best starting hands I've seen - AQ. Unfortunately, I go down to 7-10 unsuited there. Bah. Poker.