Friday, August 31, 2007

I'm pretty sure I suck.

Yet another night at Lucky Chances ends in ugliness. Sat down to the $6-12 cash game and quickly got my chips in good shape. Turned $200 into $300 right off the bat. Then things went sour. A hour-long run of bad cards coupled with 2 bad beats, and I'm on full tilt. Steamin' like a clambake. Anyway, I donk off all my chips and leave in a huff after about 2.5 hours. I'm really, really playing badly.

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Slide Continues

Still not able to end this slump o' mine. Hit Lucky Chances a coupla nights ago for a NL cash game. Bought in for the max $200, and in 3 hours was down to $120. Not horrible, but man. Just want to end a session on the plus side for a change. Even ten bucks! Whatever. Anyway, I was card dead the entire night. Picked up QQ once, but got no action. I did miss a couple of key opportunities to make a move, but I would have had to put lots of chips at risk. I didn't do it. And I paid. Still learning.